Here we list all functions and types from the C API in alphabetical order.


  1. lua_Alloc
  2. lua_atpanic
  3. lua_call
  4. lua_CFunction
  5. lua_checkstack
  6. lua_close
  7. lua_concat
  8. lua_cpcall
  9. lua_createtable
  10. lua_dump
  11. lua_equal
  12. lua_error
  13. lua_gc
  14. lua_getallocf
  15. lua_getfenv
  16. lua_getfield
  17. lua_getglobal
  18. lua_getmetatable
  19. lua_gettable
  20. lua_gettop
  21. lua_insert
  22. lua_Integer
  23. lua_isboolean
  24. lua_iscfunction
  25. lua_isfunction
  26. lua_islightuserdata
  27. lua_isnil
  28. lua_isnumber
  29. lua_isstring
  30. lua_istable
  31. lua_isthread
  32. lua_isuserdata
  33. lua_lessthan
  34. lua_load
  35. lua_newstate
  36. lua_newtable
  37. lua_newthread
  38. lua_newuserdata
  39. lua_next
  40. lua_Number
  41. lua_objlen
  42. lua_pcall
  43. lua_pop
  44. lua_pushboolean
  45. lua_pushcclosure
  46. lua_pushcfunction
  47. lua_pushfstring
  48. lua_pushinteger
  49. lua_pushlightuserdata
  50. lua_pushlstring
  51. lua_pushnil
  52. lua_pushnumber
  53. lua_pushstring
  54. lua_pushthread
  55. lua_pushvalue
  56. lua_pushvfstring
  57. lua_rawequal
  58. lua_rawget
  59. lua_rawgeti
  60. lua_rawset
  61. lua_rawseti
  62. lua_Reader
  63. lua_register
  64. lua_remove
  65. lua_replace
  66. lua_resume
  67. lua_setallocf
  68. lua_setfenv
  69. lua_setfield
  70. lua_setglobal
  71. lua_setmetatable
  72. lua_settable
  73. lua_settop
  74. lua_State
  75. lua_status
  76. lua_toboolean
  77. lua_tocfunction
  78. lua_tointeger
  79. lua_tolstring
  80. lua_tonumber
  81. lua_topointer
  82. lua_tostring
  83. lua_tothread
  84. lua_touserdata
  85. lua_type
  86. lua_typename
  87. lua_Writer
  88. lua_xmove
  89. lua_yield