So you are wondering how to work with Torch? This is a little tutorial that should help get you started.
By the end of this tutorial, you should have managed to install torch on your machine, and have a good understanding of how to manipulate vectors, matrices and tensors and how to build and train a basic neural network. For anything else, you should know how to access the html help and read about how to do it.
Torch5 provides a Matlab-like environment for state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms. It is easy to use and provides a very efficient implementation, thanks to a easy and fast scripting language (Lua) and a underlying C++ implementation. You can read more about Lua here.
First before you can do anything, you need to install Torch on your machine. That is not described in detail here, but is instead described in the installation help.
If you have got this far, hopefully your Torch installation works. A simple way to make sure it does is to start Lua from the shell command line, and then try to start Torch:
$ lua Lua 5.1.3 Copyright (C) 1994-2008, PUC-Rio > require "torch" > x = torch.Tensor() > print(x) [torch.Tensor with no dimension] >You might have to specify the exact path of the
executable, if you have several Lua installed
on your system, or if you installed Torch in a non-standard path.
The first command require "torch"
imports the basic classes of Torch into
Lua, and after that they can be used.
Instead of writing this on the command line in Lua you can also ask Lua on bootup to require this package from the shell:
$ lua -ltorch Lua 5.1.3 Copyright (C) 1994-2008, PUC-Rio > x = torch.Tensor(); print(x) [torch.Tensor with no dimension]If you use Lua and Torch together all the time you might want to alias Lua to do that directly. Whichever way you chose, in future examples I will assume that you have started Lua and required Torch.
In this example, we checked Torch was working by creating an empty Tensor and printing it on the screen. The Tensor is the main tool in Torch, and is used to represent vector, matrices or higher-dimensional objects (tensors).
require "torch"
only installs the basic parts of torch (including Tensors).
The list of all the basic Torch objects installed are described
However, there are several
other external Torch packages that you might want to use,
for example the lab
This package
provides Matlab-like functions for linear algebra.
We will use some of these functions in this tutorial.
To require this package you simply have to type:
require "lab"
To see the list of Torch packages click here.
Ok, now we are ready to actually do something in Torch. Lets start by constructing a vector, say a vector with 5 elements, and filling the i-th element with value i. Here's how:
> x=torch.Tensor(5) > for i=1,5 do x[i]=i; end > print(x) 1 2 3 4 5 [torch.Tensor of dimension 5] >
To make a matrix (2-dimensional Tensor), one simply does something like
x=torch.Tensor(5,5) for i=1,5 do for j=1,5 do x[i][j]=math.random(); end endAnother way to do the same thing as the code above is provided by the lab package:
require "lab" x=lab.rand(5,5)The lab package contains a wide variety of commands for manipulating Tensors that follow rather closely the equivalent Matlab commands. For example one can construct Tensors using the commands ones, zeros, rand, randn and eye, amongst others.
Similarly, row or column-wise operations such as sum and max are called in the same way:
> require "lab" > x1=lab.rand(5,5) > x2=lab.sum(x1); > print(x2) 2.6443 1.8716 3.6316 1.5378 2.4324 [torch.Tensor of dimension 1x5] >
We will show now how to train a neural network using the nn package available in Torch.
In general the user has the freedom to create any kind of structure he wants for dealing with data.
For example, training a neural network in Torch is achieved easily by performing a loop over the data, and forwarding/backwarding tensors through the network. Then, the way the dataset is built is left to the user's creativity.
However, if you want to use some convenience classes, like StochasticGradient, which basically does the training loop for you, one has to follow the dataset convention of these classes. (We will discuss manual training of a network, where one does not use these convenience classes, in a later section.)
StochasticGradient expects
as a dataset
an object which implements the operator
and implements the method dataset:size()
. The size()
returns the number of examples and dataset[i]
has to return the i-th example.
An example
has to be an object which implements the operator example[field]
where field
often takes the value 1
(for input features) or 2
(for corresponding labels),
i.e an example is a pair of input and output objects.
The input is usually a Tensor (exception: if you use special kind of gradient modules,
like table layers). The label type depends on the criterion.
For example, the MSECriterion
expects a Tensor, but the
expects an integer (the class).
Such a dataset is easily constructed by using Lua tables, but it could any object as long as the required operators/methods are implemented.
Here is an example of making a dataset for an XOR type problem:
require "lab" dataset={}; function dataset:size() return 100 end -- 100 examples for i=1,dataset:size() do local input= lab.randn(2); --normally distributed example in 2d local output= torch.Tensor(1); if input[1]*input[2]>0 then --calculate label for XOR function output[1]=-1; else output[1]=1; end dataset[i] = {input, output}; end
To train a neural network we first need some data. We can use the XOR data we just generated in the section before. Now all that remains is to define our network architecture, and train it.
To use Neural Networks in Torch you have to require the
nn package.
A classical feed-forward network is created with the Sequential
require "nn" mlp=nn.Sequential(); -- make a multi-layer perceptron
To build the layers of the network, you simply add the Torch objects corresponding to those layers to the mlp variable created above.
The two basic objects you might be interested in first are the Linear and Tanh layers. The Linear layer is created with two parameters: the number of input dimensions, and the number of output dimensions. So making a classical feed-forward neural network with one hidden layer with HUs hidden units is as follows:
require "nn" mlp=nn.Sequential(); -- make a multi-layer perceptron inputs=2; outputs=1; HUs=20; mlp:add(nn.Linear(inputs,HUs)) mlp:add(nn.Tanh()) mlp:add(nn.Linear(HUs,outputs))
Now we're ready to train. This is done with the following code:
criterion = nn.MSECriterion() trainer = nn.StochasticGradient(mlp, criterion) trainer.learningRate = 0.01 trainer:train(dataset)
You should see printed on the screen something like this:
# StochasticGradient: training # current error = 0.94550937745458 # current error = 0.83996744568527 # current error = 0.70880093908742 # current error = 0.58663679932706 # current error = 0.49190661630473 [..snip..] # current error = 0.34533844015756 # current error = 0.344305927029 # current error = 0.34321901952818 # current error = 0.34206793525954 # StochasticGradient: you have reached the maximum number of iterations
Some other options of the trainer you might be interested in are for example:
trainer.maxIteration = 10 trainer.shuffleIndices = falseSee the nn package description of the StochasticGradient object for more details.
To test your network on a single example you can do this:
x=torch.Tensor(2); -- create a test example Tensor x[1]=0.5; x[2]=-0.5; -- set its values pred=mlp:forward(x) -- get the prediction of the mlp print(pred) -- print it
You should see that your network has learned XOR:
> x=torch.Tensor(2); x[1]=0.5; x[2]=0.5; print(mlp:forward(x)) -0.5886 [torch.Tensor of dimension 1] > x=torch.Tensor(2); x[1]=-0.5; x[2]=0.5; print(mlp:forward(x)) 0.9261 [torch.Tensor of dimension 1] > x=torch.Tensor(2); x[1]=0.5; x[2]=-0.5; print(mlp:forward(x)) 0.7913 [torch.Tensor of dimension 1] > x=torch.Tensor(2); x[1]=-0.5; x[2]=-0.5; print(mlp:forward(x)) -0.5576 [torch.Tensor of dimension 1]
Instead of using the StochasticGradient class you can directly make the forward and backward calls on the network yourself. This gives you greater flexibility. In the following code example we create the same XOR data on the fly and train each example online.
require "lab" criterion = nn.MSECriterion() mlp=nn.Sequential(); -- make a multi-layer perceptron inputs=2; outputs=1; HUs=20; mlp:add(nn.Linear(inputs,HUs)) mlp:add(nn.Tanh()) mlp:add(nn.Linear(HUs,outputs)) for i = 1,2500 do -- random sample local input= lab.randn(2); -- normally distributed example in 2d local output= torch.Tensor(1); if input[1]*input[2] > 0 then -- calculate label for XOR function output[1] = -1 else output[1] = 1 end -- feed it to the neural network and the criterion prediction = mlp:forward(input) criterion:forward(prediction, output) -- train over this example in 3 steps -- (1) zero the accumulation of the gradients mlp:zeroGradParameters() -- (2) accumulate gradients criterion_gradient = criterion:backward(prediction, output) mlp:backward(input, criterion_gradient) -- (3) update parameters with a 0.01 learning rate mlp:updateParameters(0.01) end
Concluding remarks
That's the end of this tutorial, but not the end of what you have left to discover of Torch! To explore more of Torch, you should take a look at the Torch package help which has been linked to throughout this tutorial every time we have mentioned one of the basic Torch object types. The Torch library reference manual is available here and the external torch packages installed on your system can be viewed here.
Good luck and have fun!