= JoinTable(dimension)
Creates a module that takes a list of Tensors as input and outputs a Tensor by joining them together along dimension dimension
require "lab" x=lab.randn(5,1) y=lab.randn(5,1) z=lab.randn(2,1) print(nn.JoinTable(1):forward{x,y}) print(nn.JoinTable(2):forward{x,y}) print(nn.JoinTable(1):forward{x,z})gives the output:
1.3965 0.5146 -1.5244 -0.9540 0.4256 0.1575 0.4491 0.6580 0.1784 -1.7362 1.3965 0.1575 0.5146 0.4491 -1.5244 0.6580 -0.9540 0.1784 0.4256 -1.7362 1.3965 0.5146 -1.5244 -0.9540 0.4256 -1.2660 1.0869 [torch.Tensor of dimension 7x1]
A more complicated example:
require "lab" mlp=nn.Sequential(); --Create a network that takes a Tensor as input c=nn.ConcatTable() --The same Tensor goes through two different Linear c:add(nn.Linear(10,3)) --Layers in Parallel c:add(nn.Linear(10,7)) mlp:add(c) --Outputing a table with 2 elements p=nn.ParallelTable() --These tables go through two more linear layers p:add(nn.Linear(3,2)) -- separately. p:add(nn.Linear(7,1)) mlp:add(p) mlp:add(nn.JoinTable(1)) --Finally, the tables are joined together and output. pred=mlp:forward(lab.randn(10)) print(pred) for i=1,100 do -- A few steps of training such a network.. x=lab.ones(10); y=torch.Tensor(3); y:copy(x:narrow(1,1,3)) pred=mlp:forward(x) criterion= nn.MSECriterion() local err=criterion:forward(pred,y) local gradCriterion = criterion:backward(pred,y); mlp:zeroGradParameters(); mlp:backward(x, gradCriterion); mlp:updateParameters(0.05); print(err) end